Audiobooks for every age, and every need

From textbooks to best-selling novels, Learning Ally offers 80,000 up-to-date audiobook titles.

Audiobooks can be a powerful tool to support comprehension, boost confidence, save time on schoolwork.

audiobook covers

We support all grade levels and subjects

Thanks to our relationship with top U.S. publishers, Learning Ally produces thousands of new audiobooks annually, including:

  • Materials for K-12, college and professionals
  • Core curriculum textbooks
  • Best-sellers, like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games
volunteer recording an audiobook

Our audiobooks are read by experts

It takes special expertise to narrate audiobooks in a meaningful and engaging way.

  • Our books are read by people – not computers
  • Our narrators include teachers, doctors, lawyers and scientists: people who understand the material, and are specially trained to bring the text to life
  • Our narrators have the knowledge required to explain every picture, diagram and chart
student reading an audiobook

Our audiobooks work

Learning Ally has already helped millions of people overcome their struggles with reading and accessibility. Research shows that audiobooks result in:

  • 76% Improved Reading Comprehension
  • 67% Increased Motivation
  • 61% Improved Self-confidence
  • 60% Improved Attitude Toward Reading
  • 52% Improved Reading Accuracy*

*2004-2005 Case Study: Baltimore City Public Schools; n=166 students. Educator rating shown. Additional studies available from Tufts, Rutgers and Johns Hopkins University.
