Join Learning Ally

Get on the path to success

Learning Ally has nearly 80,000 human-narrated audiobooks that can jumpstart a love of reading and help you succeed.

Unlimited access to 80,000+ human read audiobooks

A library of audiobooks

Join today for only $135

Free playback software & Online bookshelf manager

Why Learning Ally

When you become a Learning Ally member you’ll get to use our library of over 80,000 audiobooks as well as take advantage of valuable resources like our member exclusive webinars that help give you information and strategies for succeeding in school even when reading is a challenge.

Access LearningAlly on a Desktop, Tablet or Mobile Device

Learning Ally’s audiobooks are reserved for those with documented print disabilities.

The use of our audiobooks is restricted to those who have a demonstrated learning disability, visual impairment, or physical disability that makes it difficult to read using traditional print.

More about print disabilities.

Our assistance program empowers everyone to reach their potential.

Learning Ally is a national nonprofit that relies on membership fees and contributions to support its operations. If you believe our rates create a burden for you, you may qualify for a full or partial fee waiver. Complete both the membership application and assistance program application. We will let you know if you qualify via email within 2 business days.

COVID-19 Relief Program

Donate to Learning Ally

Please help other families experiencing financial hardship during this crisis. When you make a donation to Learning Ally, you are helping other vulnerable struggling readers with our life-changing
solution. Don't let these students slip through the cracks. Make a gift today!