Tutor Application

Would you like to join our reading tutor network?

Learning Ally’s approach is that teaching children with dyslexia to read requires training in multisensory language instruction and certification by a recognized training provider. We ask that prospective tutors be certified, which includes training and a supervised practicum. Notable providers include:

As a member of our network, your name will made available to parents looking for a reading tutor for their dyslexic child. In addition, you will receive our monthly e-newsletter and a sample Learning Ally membership so that you can more easily show your students how to use our human-read audiobooks. Our library includes nearly 80,000 titles, including fiction, nonfiction, literature and the world’s largest audio textbook collection.

Your goals and our goals are the same. Like you, we teach children with dyslexia to be better readers and writers — and to feel the satisfaction, pride and confidence that come with knowing they have that important skill.

Please complete the fields below — and let’s start working together.

For Learning Ally internal use only
Optional Information

Certification (when selecting, enter a number or upload a copy of the certification)
Barton Reading & Spelling System
Children's Dyslexia Centers
Dyslexia Training Institute
Institute for Multi-Sensory Education
Take Flight Dyslexia Therapist Training

(Using 1,000 characters tell our parents what they should know about you.)